Saturday, October 29, 2016

How to Test for Sleep Apnea?

Well besides insomnia, there is a sleep disturbance called sleep apnea. This problem is more likely breath stopping for a while when you sleep. Apnea term itself comes from Greek “apnoia” means absence of respiration and “apnos” means without breathing. Then, in British English, this spelling becomes “apnoea”. This problem may infect for some people with certain disease. 

Well, talking about apnea, actually this article is going to discuss about it on detail information. Besides that, the discussion about how to detect for sleep apnea will be explained below. So, if you want to get the information related to apnea problem, you can keep reading on this article. Let’s check it below and find your best answer here! 

What is Sleep Apnea? 

Apnea is the sleep problem where you stop taking a breath for several seconds at your sleep. It can be at least for 10 seconds per each hour during your sleep. This breath stopping is caused by the relaxation of your throat muscles. How can it happen? It happens when the soft tissue in your back throat collapses and closes. Then, it makes blocked airways when you sleep. Then, how to detect this symptom of us? Keep reading below! You can check the discussion below about how to test for sleep apnea. 

Sleep Apnea Signs and Symptoms 

The sign and symptom of apnea can be detected by other people who can control your sleep. You also can test it to the doctor. Meanwhile for the symptom, it can be the snoring when you sleep. Your snoring will be louder at that time. After that, suddenly you stop breathing for several seconds. Usually, the apnea patients can wake up when it stops. So, your sleep will be lacked because of this disturbance. 

How to test for sleep apnea
After getting apnea, commonly people will get morning headache, poor concentration, and also insomnia. Depression, anxiety, and moodiness also will infect your mental because you cannot sleep well every time. Besides that, high blood pressure patients also can increase their blood pressure because of depression that caused by apnea. So, it gives other serious diseases for your health later. 

Some Apnea Causes 

Sleep apnea is caused by some factors. There is old age, permanent brain injury, and decreased muscle tone. Meanwhile decreased muscle tone is caused by drug, alcohol consumption, and smoking. Besides that, it also can be caused by certain physical problem like your natural throat, mouth or jaw shape. Then, some people who can develop apnea are diabetic and hypertension patients, obese individuals, and people with enlarged adenoids. There are also smokers, people with fat necks, Down syndrome, and patients after getting surgery that can get developed apnea. 

How to Detect Sleep Apnea at Home 

There is a portable monitoring device for testing your sleep apnea. You can buy it in the hospital. How can it work? It can work by measuring your blood oxygen level, heart rate, breathing, and airflow patterns. Your oxygen level will drop if you have sleep apnea. Then, you will also subsequently rise with awakenings. Then, after getting abnormal result, you can continue taking therapy at the doctor to solve your problem. Finally, those are all about the information how to test for sleep apnea.

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