Thursday, November 10, 2016

How to Lose Tummy Fat

I know it is so frustrating to look at the mirror while your tummy is overflowing and the dress is not even look pretty anymore. It is so frustrating to look in the mirror while your fat in the tummy is saying hallo and asking for food again. I know, right? You do not need to live that way, it's time to do something and change your life style to the healthy life style people usually do. Throwing your fat away is not an imaginary dream. Believe me it is easy to be done, all you need is being discipline and following the step I suggest full-heartedly. So what are the simple steps you should have followed? Here they are, check this out!


Are you eating carbohydrate every day? Well, I guess we need to fix something here. Carbohydrate is one thing you should avoid while transforming your lifestyle into the healthier one. Why is it necessary? Well, carbohydrate is good for your body because it is the storage of energy and well, eating way too much also will make carbohydrate lying on your tummy for way too long. And it means you have to get rid of carbohydrate to get a slim tummy. Avoiding carbohydrate doesn’t mean you have to literally avoid it and stop eating until your tummy flat. No, change your energy need from carbohydrate to a healthier food that will cover your energy needs too. Let’s exploring on how to lose tummy fat, more detail.
How to lose fat

Transforming your menu

Change the rice with whole wheat product; you can eat that since now to be your breakfast companion. Vegetable is your best friend from now on, I literally recommend you to consume vegetable and fruit. Vegetable and fruit consist of manifold nutrients that will help you with your tummy. They are rich of vitamin, beta carotene, protein, and antioxidants. Antioxidant is working to reduce your free radicals, toxic, and toxin that is absorbed by your body from its surroundings. The free radicals and toxin reduction process is going along with the reduction of flammation in your body. And the flammation reduction will also reduce your fat in the tummy. Several nutrients will help substituting the need of fatty food, and those kind of nutrients are rich in vegetable and fruit. They also contain plenty of water that will pile your water need up and make you full faster without eating any more foods. The good thing about them is, they are low calories. So that would be good for your stomach when they are craving for food. They fill your tummy without burying many calories and they make you full faster and long lasting without burying calories to your tummies also.

If you are a beginner you might think it will be hard. But, it is not as hard as how you thought it would. Believe me, it is not a big deal. Encourage, motivate yourself and start changing your menu to enjoy the flat tummy you'll get days later. So, here is the answer of how to lose tummy fat the most effective and long lasting way.

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