Friday, November 11, 2016

Causes of Insomnia in Women

Understanding about the Causes of Insomnia in Women

Women Causes of insomnia in women are pretty unique. In some cases, there are some differences between insomnia in women and insomnia in men. Insomnia becomes more common in women. This is because of women’s lifestyle. Based on the “Sleep in America” poll, single working woman only have 6 hours in the night. There are only 6 hours or even less of a night sleep. As the result, the most of them feel tired in the morning.

Lifestyle and Insomnia

Insomnia has the strong connection with lifestyle. On women, the primary reasons of insomnia is too much time for socializing. When it compared to men, women spend more time to socialize with their friends. They work from morning until evening. In the night, they spend their time to talk or to chat with their friends. Moms are just the same. They also have the similar problem on their lifestyle. The bad lifestyle leads them to insomnia. And when it talks about the cause, one of them is the baby. Having a baby is pretty fun. But however, babies have the different sleep cycle. They do not sleep like a children or adults. This is why they often waking at night.
Insomnia in women

Hormones and Sleep Disorder

Although the most cases of insomnia affected by the bad lifestyle, this is not the only cause actually. Hormone may responsible to this sleep problem as well. There are about 70% of women complain about insomnia during menstruation. This is time when their hormones at the lowest levels. Menstrual symptoms also keep you up in the night.

Perimenopause and menopause also bring significant hormonal changes. It disrupt the bedtime for sure. And as the result, you cannot get the quality sleep anymore. Post-menopausal women also have the same problem. They are less satisfied with the sleep. More than a half of them report insomnia symptoms as well. The other causes of the sleep problems are mood disorders, hot flashes and snoring.

Sleep disorder such as sleep apnea may responsible to the insomnia as well. While suffering sleep apnea, you will get some difficulties in getting the quality sleep. You may wake up too often. This is because of a pause in breathing. Even this problem may occur 5 up to 10 times during the sleep. As the result, you will feel tired in the morning.

Snoring may cause sleep problems as well. But the effect can be worse when it experienced by the spouse of you. The noise will reduce the quality of the sleep. By the time, it will certainly affect to your health. The other sleep disorder that cause insomnia is RLS or Restless Legs Syndromes.

The Solution

One way to solve this problem is by changing the lifestyle. You need to reschedule your sleeping time, reduce alcohol, caffeine and try to relax before getting sleep. But if you have sleep disorder such as sleep apnea or RLS, you have to treat it first. You will need the professional help for this. With the good lifestyle and the right treatment, you can eliminate several causes of insomnia in women.

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