Friday, November 11, 2016

Causes for Sleep Apnea

The Causes and the Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Causes for sleep apnea look pretty similar with the other sleep disorder. In the most case, it starts from the bad lifestyle. But of course, there are more specific causes. The bad thing about sleep apnea is not just about how it will disrupt your sleeping time. In fact, it can also affect to your health. Obesity is just one of them. But when it becomes more serious, it may lead to the complications that are including high blood pressure, daytime fatigue, liver problems and many more.

The Causes of Sleep Apnea

When it talks about the causes of sleep apnea, the answer is so depending on the type of the sleep apnea itself. Obstructive Sleep Apnea, it occurs when the muscle in the back of the throat relax more than normal. When muscle relax, the airway will closes or narrows as you breathe. As the result, you cannot get the adequate breath in. It lowers the oxygen in the blood and disrupt the work of the brain. In Central Sleep Apnea, snoring and sleepiness in the daytime may occur as well. But unlike OSA, this type of sleep apnea occurs when the brain fails to transmit the right signal to the breathing muscles. Commonly, it causes by heart failure. But in the other case, it may cause by stroke.
Sleep apnea problem

The Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep problem. Lack of oxygen may cause many problems, even it may lead the sufferers to the death. Several effects of sleep apnea include stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, headache, depression and ADHD. People with sleep apnea more likely to have abnormal liver function. On their liver, it shows the signs of scarring as well.

Waking up to often will affect to the quality of the sleep. It affects to the daytime fatigue. People with sleep apnea will experience irritability, daytime drowsiness and difficult to concentrate. Sometimes, they can also get sleep anywhere, even when driving. People with sleep apnea also have memory problems. But the worse thing about sleep apnea is about danger of the death. It may happen when the sleep apnea is getting more serious. As the result, it may lead the sufferers to the sudden death.

Understanding the Symptoms and How to Treat It

When it talks about the symptoms, loud snoring and awakening with a sore throat or dry mouth are just a few of them. Beside it, the sufferers may have excessive daytime sleepiness, morning headache, attention problems and difficult to stay asleep. But sleep apnea can be identified from the snoring. The snoring is not just loud. It is also following by pauses with choking or gasping. Before it is getting more serious, sleep apnea must be treated as soon as possible. But of course, you have to diagnose it first. Discipline and patience are needed. You also need to change the lifestyle by quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol, sedatives and sleeping pills, avoiding caffeine 2 hours before going to the bed and maintaining the sleeping hours. The other treatment for this problem is by using CPAP. But by applying the healthy lifestyle, you will eliminate the causes for sleep apnea.

Causes of Insomnia in Women

Understanding about the Causes of Insomnia in Women

Women Causes of insomnia in women are pretty unique. In some cases, there are some differences between insomnia in women and insomnia in men. Insomnia becomes more common in women. This is because of women’s lifestyle. Based on the “Sleep in America” poll, single working woman only have 6 hours in the night. There are only 6 hours or even less of a night sleep. As the result, the most of them feel tired in the morning.

Lifestyle and Insomnia

Insomnia has the strong connection with lifestyle. On women, the primary reasons of insomnia is too much time for socializing. When it compared to men, women spend more time to socialize with their friends. They work from morning until evening. In the night, they spend their time to talk or to chat with their friends. Moms are just the same. They also have the similar problem on their lifestyle. The bad lifestyle leads them to insomnia. And when it talks about the cause, one of them is the baby. Having a baby is pretty fun. But however, babies have the different sleep cycle. They do not sleep like a children or adults. This is why they often waking at night.
Insomnia in women

Hormones and Sleep Disorder

Although the most cases of insomnia affected by the bad lifestyle, this is not the only cause actually. Hormone may responsible to this sleep problem as well. There are about 70% of women complain about insomnia during menstruation. This is time when their hormones at the lowest levels. Menstrual symptoms also keep you up in the night.

Perimenopause and menopause also bring significant hormonal changes. It disrupt the bedtime for sure. And as the result, you cannot get the quality sleep anymore. Post-menopausal women also have the same problem. They are less satisfied with the sleep. More than a half of them report insomnia symptoms as well. The other causes of the sleep problems are mood disorders, hot flashes and snoring.

Sleep disorder such as sleep apnea may responsible to the insomnia as well. While suffering sleep apnea, you will get some difficulties in getting the quality sleep. You may wake up too often. This is because of a pause in breathing. Even this problem may occur 5 up to 10 times during the sleep. As the result, you will feel tired in the morning.

Snoring may cause sleep problems as well. But the effect can be worse when it experienced by the spouse of you. The noise will reduce the quality of the sleep. By the time, it will certainly affect to your health. The other sleep disorder that cause insomnia is RLS or Restless Legs Syndromes.

The Solution

One way to solve this problem is by changing the lifestyle. You need to reschedule your sleeping time, reduce alcohol, caffeine and try to relax before getting sleep. But if you have sleep disorder such as sleep apnea or RLS, you have to treat it first. You will need the professional help for this. With the good lifestyle and the right treatment, you can eliminate several causes of insomnia in women.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Philips Respironics Amara Full Face Cpap Mask with Headgear Full Review

Philips respironics Amara full face cpap mask with headgear is one of best products that you can choose when you need respironic product. It is easy to use and it is made with stylish design too. There are some reasons why finally people choose to buy this product. In order to buy right product, you really need to consider so many things first. You need to ensure that you know the features and all things about this product first before you purchase this product. This product is recommended product by so many people because some reasons too. You don’t need to search in other place because here, you will get detail information about this product.

This Respironics Amara Full Face is made and manufactured by Philips Respironics. This product is available in two types of seal options. First you can choose Amara Full face cpap mask with headgear with gel seal and also with silicone seal option. As it is said above there are so many people like to buy this product because of some reasons. This product is lightweight product. This product has lightweight frame so all people will feel comfortable when they wear it. This product is made with headgear that is compatible with all types of cushion and also all sizes of faces so it is versatile choice for all users in the world. Now, after you know more about this product, we need to check features of this product.
CPAP mask with headgear

There are some features that you can find in this product such as:

  • This product is made with dual wall seal
  • There is silicone or gel cushion that you can choose as you want
  • It is made with lightweight materials 
  • It is easy to clean and also to use
  • It is adjustable for forehead support
  • It is quiet exhalation port
  • You will get compatible and flexible product. 
When you like to buy this product, you can choose four sizes that you want and all of four sizes are made with gel or silicone cushion option. All cushion types are offered with dual wall designs that will make you get stable seal and comfortable seal too. There are some people who ask what differences between silicone and gel seal are. Some people tell that silicone cushion will offer more traditional seal so it will let better airflow that will make you feel better too. How about gel seal? Gel seal offers contoured fit so all people can easy use although they have different size of nose of face. Gel seal will give thicker inner wall to support your face and offer you stable seal too. All seal options are compatible with frame and headgear so you don’t need to find difficulties when you wear this product.

You can easy clean and also change the cushion as you like too. As it is said above, this product is made with lightweight material so you can bring this tool to all places that you want too. Where to buy this product? You don’t need to worry because buying this product so easy. You just need to order this product via online or you can purchase directly in some stores near your home. Now, it is time for you to order philips respironics Amara full face cpap mask with headgear.

Respironics Optilife Nasl Pillow Cpap Mask with Headgear

Respironics optilife nasal pillow cpap mask with headgear is solution for you who suffer with sleep apnea. There are so many people who suffer because they can’t sleep well in the night. They get some problems and it will decrease their life quality. When you sleep on enough time you will be able to do all activities in easy way. You will be able to focus in easy way too. As it is said above, this tool can be used to solve your problem. For all of you who suffer with your sleep apnea too, you can check information about this tool here.

First you need to know about Respironics Optlife. This tool will make your life easier. It is easy to fit and also easy to assemble. You don’t need to worry because it is easy to clean too. This Respironics OptLife is fit for all patients faces too so you don’t need to find different size of mask for the patient. Before you buy this tool, you also need to check the feature of this Optilife. This tool is made with features that make patient easier. This tool is made with unique headgear design that will support chin and face of the patient. It’s only needing little effort and there is no buckles too. You can put into place with only one hand. How to maintain this tool? It is easy to maintain and it is also durable although you use it for daily use.
Respironics optilife nasal pillow cpap

This Optilife is made with robust seal and also comfortable cushion. There is buckeless headgear and you can also find fit size for your Optilife because it is sold in wide range of sizes. There is quiet design that will help patient to stay compliant when they do therapy. Although you wear glasses, this Optilife will still make patient feel comfortable.

In order to buy without feel fear, you can check once again features of this tool such as:

  • 4 cushion size. This tool is sold from large to petite so all patients will feel comfortable. This tool is suitable for wider variety of noses too.
  • This tool offers clear view. There is no center bar that will distract your view.
  • You can easy rotate the cushions because there are some angles of cushions. You can easy adjust for the leak free seal too.
  • You can find easy headgear too. The headgear is easy to adjust. You can also find two slots to angle the straps and it can be used for personal fit.
  • This tool is made with quiet air vent. It is circle of tiny holes that is softer and qquiet.
  • You don’t need to worry with the safety of this tool because it is latex free.
  • You are free to choose from petite, small, medium and also large sizes.
How to buy this respironics optilife? You don’t need to worry because today this nasal pillow cpap mask with headgear is available in online store. You who want to buy this tool just need to order via online. This tool is available in some stores too when you want to buy this tool directly. How much money that you need to buy this tool? You can purchase this product with special price. It is only $62 and you can get this perfect Optilife. You can order for this respironics optilife nasal pillow cpap mask with headgear.

How to Lose Tummy Fat

I know it is so frustrating to look at the mirror while your tummy is overflowing and the dress is not even look pretty anymore. It is so frustrating to look in the mirror while your fat in the tummy is saying hallo and asking for food again. I know, right? You do not need to live that way, it's time to do something and change your life style to the healthy life style people usually do. Throwing your fat away is not an imaginary dream. Believe me it is easy to be done, all you need is being discipline and following the step I suggest full-heartedly. So what are the simple steps you should have followed? Here they are, check this out!


Are you eating carbohydrate every day? Well, I guess we need to fix something here. Carbohydrate is one thing you should avoid while transforming your lifestyle into the healthier one. Why is it necessary? Well, carbohydrate is good for your body because it is the storage of energy and well, eating way too much also will make carbohydrate lying on your tummy for way too long. And it means you have to get rid of carbohydrate to get a slim tummy. Avoiding carbohydrate doesn’t mean you have to literally avoid it and stop eating until your tummy flat. No, change your energy need from carbohydrate to a healthier food that will cover your energy needs too. Let’s exploring on how to lose tummy fat, more detail.
How to lose fat

Transforming your menu

Change the rice with whole wheat product; you can eat that since now to be your breakfast companion. Vegetable is your best friend from now on, I literally recommend you to consume vegetable and fruit. Vegetable and fruit consist of manifold nutrients that will help you with your tummy. They are rich of vitamin, beta carotene, protein, and antioxidants. Antioxidant is working to reduce your free radicals, toxic, and toxin that is absorbed by your body from its surroundings. The free radicals and toxin reduction process is going along with the reduction of flammation in your body. And the flammation reduction will also reduce your fat in the tummy. Several nutrients will help substituting the need of fatty food, and those kind of nutrients are rich in vegetable and fruit. They also contain plenty of water that will pile your water need up and make you full faster without eating any more foods. The good thing about them is, they are low calories. So that would be good for your stomach when they are craving for food. They fill your tummy without burying many calories and they make you full faster and long lasting without burying calories to your tummies also.

If you are a beginner you might think it will be hard. But, it is not as hard as how you thought it would. Believe me, it is not a big deal. Encourage, motivate yourself and start changing your menu to enjoy the flat tummy you'll get days later. So, here is the answer of how to lose tummy fat the most effective and long lasting way.

How to Cure Sleep Apnea

Are you now looking for the way how to cure sleep apnea? Are you sure that the cause of you cannot sleep is really sleep apnea? Before finding the way to cure sleep apnea, first we need to know what sleep apnea is.

Sleep Apnea, More to Know

Based on some sleep studies, this refers to a sleep disorder which is caused by pauses when a person breaths air or an instance swallow reflects in certain frequent during the sleep. this kind of apnea mostly occurs 5 to 30 times per hours. It may be caused by a psychological effect, such as the manifestation of unconscious anxiety or stress. There are three type of sleep apnea:
Sleep apnea treatments

Obstructive sleep apnea

It is the sleep apnea where it affect the soft tissue in your throat. People with this kind of sleep apnea tend to snore loudly.

Central sleep apnea

It is the apnea that involves nervous system. The Central send some signal to the brain which affects the breathing control.

Complex sleep apnea

It is basically a combination of both types of sleep apnea above, which will likely to wake you up every time you snore. It also may lead to affect your health, since it causes you to not sleep well and sometime awaken every time you feel hard to breath of feel like swallowing something to your throat. Therefore people with sleep apnea needs to know how to cure sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea Treatments

According to American Sleep Apnea Association, there are three basic treatment for sleep apnea. The first is by using positive airway pressure devices. This devices are like mask which are put on the mouth and nose during the sleep, it will help the patient to relax and breath well by adjust the air pressure. There are some kind of devices, which have almost similar shape, but each device will be applied to different type of sleep apnea.

The second is oral appliances therapy. The oral appliances look like a mouth guard of American football players. The appliance has to be worn during the sleep. It will keep the jaw in lower rest position to help the patient breath easily and avoid the swallow reflect motion. The last is upper way stimulation therapy. The last treatment is commonly applied to the obstructive patient. The device will keep the air pressure around the patient fit to the breathing rhythm.

Besides, the therapy the American Sleep Apnea Association also suggest the patients to work out frequently. It is suggested for you who get this kind of disorder to take a walk or jogging or swimming frequently. This kind of sport will help you relax and strengthen your breathing organs. Keeping your mind relax also important to avoid stress and let you going to sleep with a calm and comfortable feeling. The last suggestions are easy to do and the crucial point of steps in how to cure sleep apnea.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

How to Lose Weight Naturally

I have met many kind of people in my life and one oblige question they ask me is about how to lose weight naturally and get slim like you. I've been suffering for days doing the starving diet and it is torturing my life, even yap i lost some pounds but I couldn’t be more sad because I am unhealthy and pathetically get a digestion problem due to my eating schedule that is way too little yet not too frequent. So I decide to stop and looking for something else I thought i could do. And I found this simple way to lose weight in a blink of an eye. I follow every step full-heartedly and starting to lose pounds without suffering from starving. Yeah, those kind of things happened and believe me if you follow this one well I can guarantee you will lose weight naturally.

Eat the natural things

If you know what i mean, the natural things do not always mean the raw and uncooked food. As you hear nature your head must be filled with green things and plants, fishes, fresh thing that comes from nature. Change your fast food menu and your junk food menu with green leaf, fruits, and more. Green vegetable contains of magical substance that won't make your body getting fat day after day even eating and consuming lots of them. They are low fat and calories.
Lose weight naturally

I usually consume broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, spinach, zucchini, asparagus, dragon fruit, avocado, and more. They are good and make my stomach full way faster and long lasting. But, choosing the right food for your body is not that simple, because some people might have some specific allergies. So consult with your doctor about the right food you should consume in your daily life and put it in your dietary menu.

Do the natural activities

As I say natural activities it doesn't mean you have to live in the forest and be an environmentalist. Well, that would be good but let me just say natural activities i meant is exercising. I don't register or enroll to a gym membership and working my butt off. Not that much, I do exercise to please myself. You can start by having a nice evening run in the park where a lot of people are sweaty just like you. Or if running is too much for you, try to ride bike around your residence, fill your spare time exercising, doing some sits up, push ups, and squat jumps. You can start your day by doing those small exercises at home right after you woke up.

Get sweaty is good. It means you had already burn calories and fats. Do not let yourself way too tired, if you need to take a rest then take a rest. But, still do the morning exercise for at least 20-50 times and take a breath. That will be perfect. And in the end, how to lose weight naturally? Do natural things as you encourage yourself that losing weight is possible. It will take time, but having such a good and healthy body is worth it.How to lose weight naturally? All above is the answer.

How to Stop Hair Fall: Tips and Suggestion

How to stop hair fall tips are probably what you need to know to overcome you hair problem right now. But, before moving further to the tips, we need to know about factors that cause the hair fall. Hair coloring is a good way to change our style, but doing it too often is a bad idea. Have the hair styling treatment is good when you are going to attend important event or meeting. But remember, doing it too often without good hair treatment can destroy the hair fertility.

Imbalance in hormone can be the factor of hair fall. For this one, you should consult with expert to know the detail of treatment you must have. Do not ignore it until it gets worse. Medication for certain disease also may cause hair fall. The other factors that can be the factors of hair fall are tension and stress as well as dandruff and scalp problems. Let us now see some tips to solve the hair fall.
Tips on how to stop hair fall

Easy tips on how to stop hair fall

You probably use the regular comb with fine tooth every day. Starting today, use the wide toothed one instead. It can help you smoothly tidy up your hair. Use the regular comb for certain need only to avoid hair fall. Remember to wait until the hair dry or at least semi-dry before you comb it. Combing wet hair will increase the percentage of hair fall and breakage. Use towel only to remove the excess of water or moisture. Do not rub your hair with towel roughly.

The next tip is easy, however sometimes, we are lazy or even do not have time to do it. Clean your comb every week. This is important to decrease the chance of hair fall. You may clean the comb while you are shampooing or taking a bath. So, you do not have to spare time to do it. Oiling your hair also can stop the hair fall. This is one ancient way from India that is proven to be good way of solving hair fall. You may use natural oil like olive, coconut, sesame or other natural herbs to make your scalp healthy.

Simple things to do and do not do to stop hair fall

You may do the hair styling, coloring, ironing or hair drying can be done once in a while for certain event or important meeting and any other gathering to support your performance. But, doing them too often will damage your hair and lead you to hair fall. If you like styling your hair by yourself, like having ponytail, braids or pigtail, do not have it too tight. Have natural juice every day can reduce the hair fall as well. Include it in your healthy diet can help you maintain the health of your hair. There are still many natural and simple ways to treat your hair. Live well, adopt healthy life style so that you don’t have to look for tips on how to stop hair fall.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Dental Appliance for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea treatment: dental appliance for sleep apnea

Dental appliance for sleep apnea is one of the tools that will be recommended by doctors for therapy in order to reduce sleep apnea disorder. Obstructive sleep apnea disorder is a condition in which one of the muscles in the mouth (usually around the tongue to the throat) did not work properly and caused the existing body tissues in the throat obstructs the airflow leading to the lungs when you sleep at night.

There are several treatments and therapies that can be done by patients with sleep apnea disorder but before you choose one of the, it would be better if you discuss it with the doctor at first place. Those two treatments are often recommended by doctors such as CPAP (Continues Positive Airway Pressure) and oral device or mouth guards. Below we will explain in detail these two things. So if you are one of the people with sleep apnea disorder, it is great to read this article till the last word.

Continues Positive Airways Pressure treatment

Besides dental appliance for sleep apnea, there is CPAP therapy which will be assisted by a CPAP machine. This therapy is touted as the most effective treatments to overcome the obstructive sleep apnea disorder especially it is worse. So this machine will blow and flow the air to the area of your throat when you sleep at night. This needs to be done so that the path for air into your throat remains open and not obstructed even when you are sleeping. CPAP machine consists of three parts. You will be wearing some kind of mask over the nose (there are also some that cover the nose and mouth). Then there is a machine that supports the supply of air and it will be blown into your throat while you sleep. And the last, there is a large tube called. The tube connects the mask to the machine.
Sleep apnea treatment

There are several benefits you will get by using this machine. It will improve the quality of night sleep. You will be easier to snore. You do not need to sleep at daytime anymore because your night sleep is really good. And it is also lowering the blood pressure. This stuff is lightweight so if you are going to travelling, you carry these all and do not need to worry to sleep at night.

But there are a few side effects by using CPAP machine. And these will happen if you are too frequently using the machine. Some people will experience dry mouth and thrush. You will be experiencing bloat in the stomach because there are too much air entering your body and nosebleeds. But those all just happened in minor case.

If you are preferred to use dental appliance for sleep apnea, it will be great if the sleep apnea is in lower levels. This option is good as well if you are not feeling helped by the CPAP machine. Some people also cannot tolerate the machine so the oral device might be the better treatment plan.

Asthma and Sleep Apnea

Correlation of asthma and sleep apnea

In further research, asthma and sleep apnea has been linked especially if breathing problems are quite severe. Asthma that attacks adult is usually being a trigger of a person having difficulty breathing when in the night sleep or it is more popularly called as obstructive sleep apnea. Recent studies have also proved an association between asthma and difficulty breathing disorder during sleep at night. Sleep apnea is a disorder that often strikes you when sleeping. So when you sleep at night you suddenly felt the air stop so you cannot breathe properly or it felt so hard to inhale. This is caused by not enough air available when entering the lungs. As we said at the beginning, sleep apnea often occurs in asthma patients. Moreover asthma will get worse if the patient also suffered from sleep apnea.

Unhealthy relationship between asthma and sleep apnea

However asthma and sleep apnea is making a dangerous relationship for the patient. Even though the two are very different from each other, but there are some important signs that indicate a very close relationship between those two disorders. When the hardly breathe disorder during sleep at night (which is caused by sleep apnea) and inflammation in the respiratory tract as a result of asthma collaborate into one, it cannot be denied that the severe respiratory problems would occur and even for the worst possibility is death (although this is quite rare). Because this one makes breathing being harder when the air circulation zone into the body is blocked by one of the body's tissues which are simultaneously damaged and cause a surge in the throat.
The way sleep apnea worsen asthma

The way sleep apnea worsen asthma

Sleep apnea can make asthma get worse by several ways. If you already familiar with asthma then surely you also familiar with the acid reflux term. Acid reflux is touted can cause asthma get worse or it can cause a healthy person to suffer from asthma. On the other sleep apnea makes the level of reflux acid in the body increase so the ability of the sphincter muscle to withstand the stomach acid decreases dramatically. Sleep apnea also made a reduction of circulating air in the zone in the body that lead to the lungs and even the oxygen levels in the bloodstream are also reduced drastically. This stuff also affects to the one of breathe muscles and make them experiencing irritation. In addition, it also makes severe irritation in some parts of the body, especially asthma patient’s lungs. Research says that this is part of a chemical reaction.

This chemical reaction has an impact weight gain and obesity. As we all know that obesity has a major contribution to asthma. If you are experiencing both asthma and sleep apnea, it will be better if you see the doctor immediately. This stuff cannot be cured with home remedies and it needs the fast medical actions. So after you talk to the doctor, you will figure out what therapy will be suitable for both of you and your lungs.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

How to Find Sleeping Medication

People with problem in sleeping should understand how to find sleeping medication that is both effective and secure. When the problem is not immediately handled, it can cause several diseases that are more serious and dangerous for health. Now, we have a lot of medication choices to take, both by taking pills and by having some medical aids to have. Each has different characteristics and potential results so that we need to be smart in making decision.

Sleeping Pills or Sleeping Aids?

Sleeping problem can happen to anyone, which is mostly caused by the thought that keeps on their mind though they are trying to sleep. Most people can even lose their ability of closing their eyes and sleep. The others tend not to have a serious problem in sleeping, but the thought keeps spinning in their brain although their eyes are shut. This kind of sleeping problem is considered to give more serious loss to the person’s health because the thought makes them exhausted. This difference between the two characteristics of the sleeping problems actually does not create difference in using both sleeping pills and sleeping aids. On the other hand, the difference between the sleeping pills and sleeping aids is the purpose of the medication.
Find sleeping medication

If the purpose of the medication is to overcome sleeping problem at short period, sleeping pills are acceptable to be used. However, if the purpose is to overcome the sleeping problems at long period of time, pills are not the best one to use. The use of the sleeping pills for long term purposes is so risky so that it can cause such a dependent condition. Thus, it will be better to have a medical consultation before deciding certain solution to take. Healthcare professionals understand more about how to find sleeping medication that is best for certain conditions of the patient.

Several kinds of Sleeping Medication Prescription

The healthcare professionals or doctors can write a special prescription for a patient that has a serious sleeping problem. The prescription can be in several forms of prescription though it is aimed at using sleeping pills or sleeping aids. First, the prescription uses Benzodiazepine. It is actually the oldest procedure that keeps on being used in sleeping problem medication although it actually has higher potency of causing dependence. Some medicines that belong to this group are quazepam, estazolam, trizolam, and flurazepam. They are produced in different name or brands, but all of them can cause dependence effect when it is used in long period of time. A person that has taken this medicine will not be able to sleep naturally anymore without taking it. Also, he will get anxiety problem too whenever this pill is not taken. Second, non-benzodiazepine medication provides another option to take because this group of sleeping pills do not contain the same chemical structure as the benzodiazepine pills. 

That is why this new group gives us a choice of lower dependence risk. Even, it is still considered to be used for long-term period of six months. This group includes zolpidem, zalepon, and eszopclone. There are still some other alternatives to take, but a patient that has a serious sleeping problem should get a medical examination and consultation in order to find out how to find sleeping medication that will work best on him without causing too dangerous side effects.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Can Sleep Apnea Cause Weight Gain?

Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain

Although it does not make a sense, sleep apnea may affect to the weight gain. This is because of how sleep apnea works. Sleep apnea interrupts the breath during sleep and makes the brain does not get enough oxygen. It happens more than once. During the sleep, you may experience it for several times. Beside it, there is no quality sleep anymore. You will wake up for several times. As the result, you will never get a fresh body after the sleep.

The Relation between Sleep Apnea and Wight Gain

What is the relation between sleep apnea and weight gain? If you suffer sleep apnea, you will feel so tired anytime. Sleep will not bring your energy back. Poor performance is just a certainty. Of course, it will interfere the daily activities. You cannot do anything right. Lack of performance will lead you to lack of activities as well. And as the result, your weight will gain significantly, especially if you eat without control. You may think about exercise for this. But however, there is not enough energy to make it. It makes the worse situation of overweight problem. Your weight will increase without control. But this is not the only problem.
Sleep apnea problems

Sleep apnea may cause hormonal disturbance too. Specifically, it causes hormonal disturbance that put on pounds. If you wake up every 3 hours in the night, course it will happen. How it works? Actually, this problem may occur after a week of sleep apnea. After a week, it will damage Leptin. Leptin is a hormone that tells the brain to stop eating. But when you experience sleep apnea, the capability of Leptin will reduce 15% in a week. It will make you eat more than you need. More than it, it also increase Graenelin up to 15%. Greenelin is the opposite of Leptin. It gives a signal to the brain that you are really hungry. As the result, your appetite will gain significantly.

Treating Sleep Apnea

In the usual overweight problem, you can treat it by diet and exercise. But here, you cannot do the same. You need the different treatment for this. In fact, you have to treat the sleep apnea first. Before treating the health problem, this is important to diagnose it first. The most common type of sleep apnea is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). But in the rare case, it might be Central Sleep Apnea. There is an essential difference on those types. To know it, you need the professional help. After diagnosis, you need the right treatments. The common treatments are including applying the healthy lifestyle and taking Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). You may need to take a certain procedure such as tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy or palatoplasty. The other treatment is airway management.

You may need some helps for this. If that so, you can go to pulmonologist or otolaryngologist. Pulmonologist will treat the respiratory tract diseases and otolaryngologist treats the nose, ear and throat disorder. You may need sleep medicine as well. But however, you need to consult it to the doctor first. Now, there is no more question about can sleep apnea cause weight gain.

How Dangerous is Sleep Apnea

Understanding the Danger of Sleep Apnea

How dangerous is sleep apnea? Course you may wonder about it. But before talking about the danger, let’s find out about sleep apnea first. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder. It happens when the breath interrupted during sleep. It can be a serious problem, especially if there is no treatment for this. As the result, the brain will not get enough oxygen. This health disorder can be experienced by anyone. But for women, there are the hidden dangers on it.

Sleep Apnea Types and the Risks

There are 2 types of sleep apnea. Those are Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common sleep apnea. It caused by airway blockage. When the soft tissue that located on the back of the throat collapse, this type of sleep apnea may occur. It may happen during the sleep. The second type or Central Sleep Apnea is so different with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. It did not cause by airway blocked. In fact, it caused by the brain failure. In here, the brain fails to signal the muscle, specifically to the muscles that responsible to take a breath. In the most case, it caused by instability of the respiratory control center. Everybody has the same risk. Even it can affect to children as well.
Danger of Sleep Apnea

The risk factors of sleep apnea are including overweight, over age 40 and family history. Having the large neck size, the large tonsils, tongue and small jaw bone may gain the risk as well. Beside it, GERD and nasal obstruction also improve the risk of sleep apnea. If sleep apnea left untreated, it may cause the other diseases. This is including stroke, diabetes, heart failure, depression, high blood pressure and headache. Beside it, it can also worsening ADHD.

Sleep Apnea and the Impacts

Sleep apnea can interfere the daily activities. Poor performance is just the beginning. As the result, it may lead the sufferers to the other risks such as vehicle crashes. It may reduce the productivity as well. On adult, sleep apnea may cause asthma as well. But it stills not proven. However, people who treated for sleep apnea experience the lower asthma attacks. The other major issue of sleep apnea is weight gain and inability to lose weight. Of course it can be the worst combination for overweight problem. This is because of there is not enough energy to make exercise. As the result, the sleep apnea sufferers cannot lose their weight by exercise. Sleep apnea may cause fatigue as well. This is why the risk of vehicle crashes may gain significantly on the sleep apnea sufferers. Even it can be worse.

There is no effective treatment for this. Sleep medicine will not offer a cure. Heart failure on sleep apnea such as coronary artery disease may occur as well. It also affects irregular heartbeat and stroke. The best way to reduce the risk is by diagnosing it soon. By knowing it soon, you can get the right treatment sooner too. Beside it, it can reduce the risk and answer the question of how dangerous is sleep apnea.